
All News

January 15, 2021

Review events, announcements, and resources in preparation for the spring 2021 semester:  January RTL Newsletter

December 21, 2020

Review events, announcements, and resources as the fall semester ends in the December Keep Teaching newsletter

December 17, 2020

Starting January 6, 2021, at 8 am, whenever any campus member uses their UC Berkeley Zoom account to host a meeting that is recorded to the Zoom Cloud, the resulting recording will be automatically copied to UC Berkeley’s campus video management system, Kaltura. One of two things will happen:

  • If the Zoom account owner has no Kaltura account, the recording will be deleted from Kaltura within 24 hours (this does not affect the Zoom Cloud recording, which will still be available in Zoom for 30 days). It will never be shared with anybody else.

December 14, 2020

Research, Teaching, and Learning (RTL) services will be operating on modified schedules for campus curtailment during the winter break, Wednesday, December 23 through Monday, January 4. See details below. Emails and requests received during this time will be answered when the campus reopens on January 5, 2021.

November 30, 2020

Review events, announcements, and resources as the fall semester ends in the November Keep Teaching newsletter

November 24, 2020


This document is intended to help instructors design online quizzes in bCourses that minimize the opportunity for academic integrity violations.

The quiz tools in bCourses, Gradescope, and other platforms may make it easier to replace a few high-stakes assessments with more, lower-stakes assessments, lowering the incentive for students to cheat on a few, high-stakes instances.

November 18, 2020

We at RTL Classroom Technology Support have been working this past semester to provide you with various support options for your online classes, and we are excited to introduce a new one!  

In support of remote instruction for the upcoming Spring 2021 semester, Digital Learning Services has developed two new bCourses templates that are available to all instructors starting Nov. 30, 2020

The DLS Core Template and the DLS DesignPlus Template both provide instructors a consistent structure for organizing their course site founded in best practices in online pedagogy and promote effective learning for all students by incorporating accessibility standards.

November 12, 2020

RTL will be operating on modified schedules during the week of Thanksgiving from Monday, November 23 through Friday, November 27, 2020Emails and requests received during this time will be answered in the order in which they were received on Monday, November 30. In addition, see specific service notices below.

October 25, 2020

Currently, there are several notices about possible power outages across the Bay Area over the next few days.  As this may be disruptive to your midterm exams, we wanted to remind you of some campus resources that may be useful. Generally, communication with students is key, even if that communication is as simple as “the midterm will be rescheduled, and details will follow when my own power is restored”.

October 21, 2020

[Resolved]. As of Saturday (10/24/20), the SensusAccess server is back online and available for use. The outage over the past few days was due to an electrical infrastructure problem at the vendor's headquarters in Denmark. ETS and the vendor will continue to monitor the situation to ensure that everything is now stable.

October 16, 2020

Review the latest updates and resources in the October Keep Teaching newsletter

October 12, 2020

To ensure that students and instructors relying on Zoom Cloud recordings for fall semester are not adversely impacted by a change in a previously announced retention policy, the campus is temporarily extending the retention period. Recordings will not automatically be deleted until after fall semester. Zoom Cloud recording is intended only for temporary use due to the extremely high costs of this storage.

September 16, 2020

Updated Zoom Integration to be Released August 15th, 2020

As many Fall 2020 courses will utilize synchronous online instruction via the Zoom video conferencing platform, we are happy to announce the availability of a new Zoom integration for bCourses, which will be enabled on August 15th. This new integration will replace the existing integration, which will be removed at the same time.

August 31, 2020

August 25, 2020

Review the latest updates and resources as we roll into the Fall 2020 semester in the Keep Teaching newsletter

August 5, 2020

Review just-in-time support as we near the start of the Fall 2020 semester: Keep Teaching Newsletter

July 31, 2020

Review the Fall 2020 Instruction FAQ from the Berkeley Academic  Senate website.

June 22, 2020

Review support and resources for remote teaching: Keep Teaching Newsletter

June 4, 2020