
RTL aims to provide the campus community with events that bring together faculty, researchers, graduate student instructors, and service providers to inspire and support experimentation, connect people, and share ideas. 

RTL workshops are designed to provide essential teaching tools and best practices to excel in your teaching efforts. Check out our Fall semester offerings below by month.

August 2024 Workshops

Using Peerceptiv Peer Review to Increase Collaboration and Engagement | Aug 19
Join us to explore Peerceptiv, a peer collaboration tool now available to all UC Berkeley instructors as a pilot. Learn how it enhances student engagement, integrates with bCourses, and helps you set up peer review assignments.
Using Polling Tools to Enhance Student Engagement | Aug 20
Join this session to review the basics of Berkeley-sponsored polling tools, iClicker Cloud and Poll Everywhere. Learn to set up your account, create and run polls, choose from various activities, and sync your polling tool with bCourses.
bCourses (Canvas) Basics: Teaching with bCourses Survival Guide | Aug 22
Join us for an introduction to bCourses, perfect for beginners or those needing a refresher. Learn essential features like Pages, Modules, Assignments, and Announcements to organize and manage your courses. We'll also cover basic site setup and navigation.
Teaching Inclusively From Day One in Small Classes | Aug 23
Join us to discover practical strategies for fostering inclusion in small classes (under 50 students). Learn to apply Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles to support and engage all students, ensuring personalized interactions and targeted support for success.
Organizing Your Class on bCourses Using the "Core Template" | Aug 26
Designing a student-friendly bCourse site can be overwhelming, but an organized site saves time and helps students stay on track. Join us to learn how to use the Core Template to organize your content, enhancing your bCourses site design.
Setting the Stage: Fostering Student Engagement Throughout the Semester | Aug 26
Join us to kick off the semester with dynamic teaching strategies. Learn tools to create an active learning environment from day one, including peer discussions and questioning techniques. Discover practical methods to make your classroom a dynamic, interactive experience.
Assignments and Grading: Build Your Gradebook in bCourses | Aug 27
Join us to learn how to effectively set up and manage your Gradebook in bCourses. Discover how to weight grades, configure Grade Posting Policy, create and manage Assignment Groups, apply grading rules, and set up assignments with associated Gradebook columns.
Organizing Your Class on bCourses Using the "Core Template" | Aug 28
Designing a student-friendly bCourse site can be overwhelming, but an organized site saves time and helps students stay on track. Join us to learn how to use the Core Template to organize your content, enhancing your bCourses site design.
Teaching Inclusively From Day One in Large Classes | Aug 29
Join us to discover practical strategies for fostering inclusion in large classes (more than 50 students). Learn to apply Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles to support and engage all students, ensuring personalized interactions and targeted support for success.

September 2024 Workshops

Using Peerceptiv Peer Review to Increase Collaboration and Engagement | Sep 4
Join us to explore Peerceptiv, a peer collaboration tool now available to all UC Berkeley instructors as a pilot. Learn how it enhances student engagement, integrates with bCourses, and helps you set up peer review assignments.
Assignments and Grading: Build Your Gradebook in bCourses | Sep 9
Join us to learn how to effectively set up and manage your Gradebook in bCourses. Discover how to weight grades, configure Grade Posting Policy, create and manage Assignment Groups, apply grading rules, and set up assignments with associated Gradebook columns.
Spark Talk: Exploring Equity via Metacognitive Practice | Sep 10
Join us to explore how metacognition can support students during midterms. Learn how reflection and self-assessment activities improve exam performance, especially for students with lower ACT scores. We'll discuss recent research findings and how metacognition benefits students across various disciplines.
Active Learning in Large Classes: What’s Possible? | Sep 12
Join us to explore the challenges and opportunities of implementing active learning in large, introductory lecture settings. Learn strategies for incorporating active learning and techniques to engage large groups of students, helping them understand and embrace these methods.
Crafting Equitable Assessments with Every* Student in Mind | Sep 16
Join us to rethink traditional assessments by embracing diverse approaches for different skills and learning styles. Learn to design scaffolded assessments with practice, feedback, and revision, and make assignment instructions transparent with clear rubrics for a fair and inclusive environment.
Spark Talk: Rethinking Our Content Coverage Goals | Sep 24
Join us to explore course redesign and the impact of excessive content coverage on diversity, equity, and inclusion. Discuss recent research showing how content requirements can hinder students from marginalized backgrounds and consider how these findings apply to our courses.

October 2024 Workshops

Faculty Perspectives on Adapting to Active Learning | Oct 1
Join us for a dynamic discussion with faculty who have successfully integrated active learning into their classrooms. Panelists will share unique approaches, strategies, tools, and real-life examples from their courses.
Collaboration and Peer Support: Introduction to Ed Discussion | Oct 9
Join us to discover how Ed Discussion can boost student participation in your classes. Learn to set up and manage online discussions, use customizable categories and thread templates, and facilitate meaningful dialogue.

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