Course Capture

Course Capture Options Explained (Spring 25)

Instructors can control their Course Capture settings by logging in from the Course Capture Home Page. It can take up to 12 hours for changes to take effect.


Collaborators are given co-editing and co-publishing privileges to Course Capture recordings. Users with the Admin Proxy (APRX) role in SIS Campus Solution are automatically given collaborator status, but instructors are able to remove them within their Course Capture setting. APRX...

Instructor Getting Started (Spring 25)

Starting in Spring 25, all classes meeting in a Course Capture eligible room will be recorded unless the instructor chooses to opt out of the service. All official instructors meeting in a Course Capture eligible room will receive an announcement email to adjust their Course Capture settings or to opt-out at least two weeks prior to instruction start. Please review the following steps below if you want to use Course Capture.

What to do prior to semester start

Work with your departmental scheduler to make sure your course is...

Course Capture FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions and Issues Common Questions I only want presentation and audio but not camera, or vice versa?

All streams (projection and camera) are recorded if a camera is installed in the room. If you do not wish to appear on camera, please see our KB article on "How to Blank the Camera"

What should I do if there is a room change?

Please email ...

Departmental Schedulers Getting Started

Departmental Schedulers Getting Started with Course Capture How to look for a room with Course Capture capabilities and features For Course Capture rooms with cameras, but without operators, search for 06: AV-Course Capture and 14: AV-Camera without Operator For Course Capture rooms with cameras and operators, search for 06: AV-Course Capture and 07: AV-Camera with Operator Only available in Wheeler Aud, and Pimentel Who to add as instructors Instructors are defined as users in the TNIC, TIC, or the NTIC role All primary and secondary courses should have at least one instructor (...

Instructors Getting Started (Fall 24)

Instructors Getting Started with Course Capture

All official instructors meeting in a Course Capture eligible room will receive an invitation email to sign up for Course Capture at least two weeks prior to instruction start. Please review the following steps below if you want to use Course Capture.

In advance of signing up Review and understand the Recording options available for Course Capture and then work with your departmental scheduler to make sure...

Kaltura in bCourses changes due to upgrade to LTI 1.3

December 28, 2023

Be prepared for some minor changes to the Kaltura integration with bCourses as we have upgraded, largely for security reasons. More specifically, we have upgraded from LTI 1.1 to 1.3. To learn more, see "Why Platforms and Tools Should Adopt LTI 1.3".

While the security improvements that come with the upgrade may not be obvious, the upgrade has led to one user interface change that will likely impact your use of Kaltura: thelocation of My Media ...

Recommended Sign-Up Form Options

Recommended Course Capture Options based on desired workflows

There are multiple selections to make during the Course Capture sign-up process. This article lists common use cases to help you decide which settings to pick. For a definition of what each setting does, please visit Course Capture Options Explained

To help you decide on what workflow will work best for your course, we'll be providing different...

Interactive Decision Tree: Result #7

Interactive Decision Tree for Course Capture Sign Ups Result #7:

I would like my Course Capture videos to automatically publish to the Media Gallery without any intervention.

If the above is correct, please choose the following option in the Course Capture signup form and review any further information provided below.

Publishing option: “GSI/TA Moderation” Admin Proxy can be either On or Off. Choose ON if you would like the GSI to be able to edit and publish recordings (to any bCourses site). Choose OFF if you do not want them to have...

Interactive Decision Tree: Result #8

Interactive Decision Tree for Course Capture Sign Ups Result #8:

I only want to share recordings with my GSIs and would like them to have edit and publish access to my Course Capture videos.

If the above is correct, please choose the following option in the Course Capture signup form and review any further information provided below.

Publishing option: “Instructor Moderation” Admin Proxy should be toggled On. If GSI is not listed in Admin Proxy, please work with your departmental scheduler to add them in Campus Solutions. (It can take 48 hours to...

Interactive Decision Tree: Result #5

Interactive Decision Tree for Course Capture Sign Ups Result #5:

I plan to only share Course Capture videos with selected students and I’d like GSIs to help me review, share, and edit the recordings.

If the above is correct, please choose the following option in the Course Capture signup form and review any further information provided below.

Publishing option: “Instructor Moderation” Admin Proxy should be toggled on. If GSI is not listed as Admin Proxy, please work with your departmental scheduler to add them in Campus Solutions. (It can take 48 hours...