Learning Environments + Tools (LET)

Peerceptiv Peer Review Tool Pilot

About Peerceptiv

RTL is currently piloting Peerceptiv, a tool integrated into bCourses that offers robust, research-validated peer review functionality, through Spring 2025. You can use the tool to set up peer assessments on assignment submissions, team member evaluations for group projects, live presentation assessments, and more.

Peerceptiv provides peer review functionality for multiple different assignment types, including peer assessments on assignment submissions, team member evaluations for group...

bCourses Threaded Discussions Inadvertently Unthreaded - Bulk Fix Option Available September 16

September 13, 2024
If you use Discussions in bCourses and have not intentionally disabled threading, then you may need to re-enable threading on your Discussions.

iClicker Cloud Instructor Training

January 12, 2023, 1:00pm
Join us for end-to-end instructor training hosted by an iClicker Cloud specialist.

Poll Everywhere Presenter Training

January 10, 2023, 1:00pm
Join us for end-to-end presenter training hosted by a Poll Everywhere specialist.

Zoom/Kaltura changes: Zoom Alternative Hosts automatically added as Collaborators in Kaltura (NOW ROLLED BACK)

October 19, 2023
Please note: the change that this article describes has been rolled back as of 11/26/23. The current behavior is that Zoom alternative hosts do NOT become Kaltura co-hosts or co-collaborators.

An update to the Zoom to Kaltura integration made by Kaltura in early October benefits many Zoom users who have wanted colleagues (co-instructors, GSI’s,staff, etc) to be able to manage the recording files copied to Kaltura via the integration....

Online Discussions Service Updates

May 18, 2022
Announcing Ed Discussion

The campus is pleased to announce the selection of Ed Discussion as the tool to facilitate synchronous and asynchronous online discussions in courses at UC Berkeley. It is currently available, and you can access it from bCourses* or edstem.org. Other discussion tools, such as Piazza, will no longer be licensed by the campus after August 2022. In addition, the use of Piazza for individual licensing will be prohibited to ensure equitable access to course materials for all students.


Willa Chan

Streaming Media Coordinator