Instructors Getting Started with Poll Everywhere

Instructors Getting Started with Poll Everywhere

  1. You can access Poll Everywhere as a presenter by logging in with Single Sign-On.*

    1. Go to

    2. Enter your Berkeley email address

    3. Select Log in with Berkeley

    4. Enter your CalNet ID and Passphrase, and select Sign In

  2. Create an activity: Choose from various activity types, including word cloud, multiple-choice, and open-ended questions. See guides on how to create activities.
  3. Present an activity: The quickest way to display an activity to the audience is directly from the website in Present mode. See Presenting from the web.
    1. Alternatively, presenters can insert activities directly in PowerPoint or Google slides. See Slideware guides on installing and inserting activities on Windows, Mac, Google Slides, and Office 365.
  4. Connect to bCourses (Canvas)
    1. Enable Poll Everywhere in the Course Navigation. See Canvas Guide: How do I manage Course Navigation links?
    2. Sync your roster. See the Integration Guide for Educators (PDF) for step-by-step instructions.

*If you encounter any issues logging in, please get in touch with

Additional Resources

Poll Everywhere for Instructors Guide

Presenter tips & best practices

Poll Everywhere Support Center