Learning Spaces Community of Practice

Research, Teaching, and Learning is proud to announce the launch of a new UC Berkeley Community of Practice focusing on the audio/visual and videoconference technology needs in learning spaces across campus. Via the RTL Departmental Spaces consultation service and listening to campus partners, we've identified a significant need to aggregate the various stakeholders within the UC Berkeley community who are working on, or working with, audio-visual technology, academic or otherwise. This includes seminar/conference rooms, Zoom Rooms, media studios and really any space that may involve media and audio video technologies.

Join the mailing list for regular updates on organization progress and upcoming events and activities - Learning Spaces CoP Google Group

Upcoming activities

  • Nothing scheduled at this time. Spring general meeting date TBD

History and Organization

Our inaugural meeting was December 5th, 2023 in Stanley 177, a recently updated departmental classroom with the latest technology centered around a Zoom Room. We discussed how the community will be organized, how stakeholders can collaborate and assist one another, and other related matters. The meeting is available for review here - Learning Spaces Community of Practice inaugural meeting 12/05/23 (Calnet required).

After polling, the community determined that a tiered structure made the best sense organizationally. There is a planning committee and each planning committee member is co-chairing one or more sub-groups on the specific topics of interest to the community. There is also a general mailing list for topical discussions and archives, and a full website is under development to aggregate help articles, room information and best practices in one place.

The Planning Committee

  • Amina Kirby (Berkeley Law)
  • David Kardon (Student Affairs IT)
  • Dino Johnson (Berkeley Law)
  • Jesse Mills (Electrical Engineering & Computer Science)
  • Katherina Law (Electrical Engineering & Computer Science)
  • Kevin Chan (Research, Teaching, and Learning)
  • Matthieu Kaminsky (School of Optometry)
  • Tim Gotch (Research, Teaching, and Learning)
  • Tom Tripp (Haas School of Business) 

The Sub-Groups

  • Learning Spaces (both instructional and meeting): David Kardon, Heather Reilly and Tim Gotch
  • Working with Capital Projects: Kevin Chan, Tom Tripp, Matthieu Kaminsky plus various other stakeholders
  • Data and Information Aggregation: Dino Johnson, Tom Tripp and Tim Gotch
  • Workshops and Device/Protocol-specific Training: Amina Kirby, Jesse Mills and Tim Gotch