Self-installable and Portable Equipment Recommendations

These recommendations are intended for departments who desire to equip a room with a lower cost solution that does not require installation. These items can generally be moved between different rooms and used as shared resources within a department.

Service Scope

Departments are responsible for purchasing their own equipment for non-General Assignment classrooms/departmental spaces. RTL does not have the capacity to provide technical support for these solutions, though we have strived to select items that are turn-key and easy to use in most cases.


Most of these devices assume that the user is bringing their own laptop to facilitate a videoconferencing session and/or presentations, just like they would in a General Assignment room. They would then connect to the listed equipment using USB, HDMI and/or audio cables as needed. (An installed computer could be incorporated instead, but would require additional management from the department.)

Some of these devices are stand-alone Zoom Room appliances that can connect to Zoom without a computer being involved. These require a Zoom Room license and other criteria to work correctly. Please visit our Zoom Room Basics page to learn about the requirements before ordering one of these devices!

Rooms are assumed to be either small or medium sized in these recommendations. Pay attention to the manufacturer’s specifications when evaluating these devices for your spaces. For larger rooms, please request a consultation below.

All of these items are available via B&H PhotoVideo, Amazon and/or CDW, all of whom are available as punch-out catalogs in BearBuy. Contract academic pricing is shown when using the punch-out catalogs, so there is no need to contact vendors for edu pricing directly. 


For any questions, please email and mention Departmental Spaces in your subject line.

To book a consultation appointment, please visit the consultation request form here - 

Many of the recommended portable items are available to check out for academic purposes or evaluation via our Instructional Equipment Checkout program here -
