
Frequently Asked Questions about the Zoom to Kaltura Integration

The Zoom to Kaltura integration automatically copies all UC Berkeley Zoom Cloud recordings to Kaltura, Berkeley's video management platform. The host of the recorded Zoom meeting will find the Kaltura copy of the recording in their My Media (in either bCourses or Mediaspace).

Important: Please note that users must...

Kaltura in bCourses changes due to upgrade to LTI 1.3

December 28, 2023

Be prepared for some minor changes to the Kaltura integration with bCourses as we have upgraded, largely for security reasons. More specifically, we have upgraded from LTI 1.1 to 1.3. To learn more, see "Why Platforms and Tools Should Adopt LTI 1.3".

While the security improvements that come with the upgrade may not be obvious, the upgrade has led to one user interface change that will likely impact your use of Kaltura: thelocation of My Media ...

Getting Started with Kaltura

January 11, 2023, 2:00pm
Kaltura is the campus-supported web-based video management platform, accessed from bCourses, that allows UC Berkeley instructors, students, and staff to upload, edit, manage, and share videos and other media.

Zoom/Kaltura changes: Zoom Alternative Hosts automatically added as Collaborators in Kaltura (NOW ROLLED BACK)

October 19, 2023
Please note: the change that this article describes has been rolled back as of 11/26/23. The current behavior is that Zoom alternative hosts do NOT become Kaltura co-hosts or co-collaborators.

An update to the Zoom to Kaltura integration made by Kaltura in early October benefits many Zoom users who have wanted colleagues (co-instructors, GSI’s,staff, etc) to be able to manage the recording files copied to Kaltura via the integration....

Willa Chan

Streaming Media Coordinator

Judy Stern

Kaltura Instructional Lead