Check for Broken Links with the Course Link Validator

Check for Broken Links with the Course Link Validator

bCourses has a built-in tool that checks for broken links within your course site. This is especially helpful if you've imported content from a previous course that references material that may have changed or is no longer available. This easy-to-use automated tool helps streamline the quality assurance process.

The Course Link Validator searches through your course content and returns invalid or unresponsive external links that may be tricky to track down manually. This includes deleted links, or links that are still in the course but the linked content, such as a file or page, has been deleted. Verifying that links are valid ensures that necessary materials are available to students, reduces frustration, and eliminates subsequent email requests to fix broken links.


Canvas Guide

The following resource provides step-by-step instructions on how to access and start the Course Link Validator.