Students Get Started with bCourses
Students, if your instructor is using bCourses, you can access your course site(s) by logging into your CalCentral(link is external) or bCourses(link is external) account. Please note: Enrollments in bCourses are updated daily between 6am-8am using information from the student information system, so if you registered for a class after this time, you will get access into the course site the next time that enrollment is updated.
bCourses sites are spaces where your instructor can put course materials and grades. They can also be used to interact with your classmates and instructors in a variety of creative and productive ways. Additionally, if your instructor uses Course Capture (“Webcast”), links to your course videos will be found there.
Please take a moment to review the following “Students Getting Started” help articles linked below to get an overview of commonly used tools in bCourses and how you can use them as a student.