Feature Requests
To improve the core functionality of bCourses, including features such as communications (announcements/inbox/discussions) and assessments (quizzes/assignments), UC Berkeley works with the product vendor, Canvas.
UC Berkeley also convenes the Canvas Research Universities Peer Group, a community of large public and private R1 universities in the United States using Canvas. This group shares information about their experiences using Canvas in large universities, pools knowledge about the platform, and works collaboratively to escalate shared concerns and needs to Instructure. For more information about the Canvas Research Universities Peer Group, contact Allison Czapracki allisoncz@berkeley.edu(link sends e-mail).
Local Customizations
- Create a Site
- E-grades Export
- Official Sections
- Roster Photos
- Course Capture
- Mailing List
- Find A Person To Add
UC Berkeley manages these integrations, and requests about modifications or enhancements to these tools can be made by contacting the bCourses support team bcourseshelp@berkeley.edu(link sends e-mail).
Technical Issues
When UC Berkeley becomes aware of technical issues in bCourses that the vendor must resolve, we work directly with Canvas to report them. Technical issues are prioritized by Canvas by the severity of impact, number of affected users, and possible workarounds that are available to prevent the issue from occurring.