Academic Innovation Studio (AIS)

Academic Innovation Studio (AIS)

The Academic Innovation Studio (AIS) brings together faculty, researchers, graduate student instructors, and service providers to inspire and support experimentation, connect people, and share ideas. 

Come to the AIS to:

  • Connect with peers, particularly across disciplines
  • Connect to campus resources and services
  • Learn about and share novel and interesting ideas/approaches/tools
  • Engage with campus-wide initiatives

We also work to foster collaboration among academic support staff, and partner with service providers, centers, and academic programs from all over campus.

AIS Features

bCourses Consultations

Need help with bCourses? Whether you're new to bCourses or need a refresher, we're here to assist! Appointments are strongly encouraged to ensure personalized attention. Make an appointment for an in-person consultation!

If you would like 1:1 or small-group help with Kaltura, Student Response Systems (iClicker Cloud and Poll Everywhere), Ally, Ed Discussion, Gradescope, or Datahub, please set up a virtual consultation.

IT Drop-in Support

Drop-in IT support for faculty, staff, postdocs, visiting scholars, and student employees is available during the following hours: 

  • 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. | Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday
  • 1 - 4 p.m. | Monday through Thursday
  • 1 - 3 p.m. | Friday

Alternative Support Options can be found at

Instructional Equipment Checkout

Looking to check out equipment for your course and/or research project? Visit the Instructional Equipment Checkout page for more information. 

AIS Event Space

The AIS has an event space that can support hybrid meetings. RTL partners and events that serve the needs of Berkeley’s instructors and researchers will be given priority for booking. Other events will be considered depending on space and staff availability.

We make reservations within the academic calendar year, with at least 2 weeks advance notice for an upcoming event.

Reservation Process

1. Review our Facility Use Guidelines to ensure your request meets our guidelines.

2. Check the Dwinelle 127 bCal to see if your desired date(s) and time(s) are available.

3.  Submit your event request via the reservation request form, accessible via accounts.

You will receive an email confirming your reservation request's status within three business days. Your reservation is not finalized until you receive confirmation (a bCal invitation).

ais ushape room setup ais classroom room setup


Monday - Thursday
9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Closure Dates

March 24 - 28, 2025

We are located in 117 Dwinelle Hall on Level D. We're at the south end of the building; turn left as you enter from the main (Dwinelle Plaza) entrance.