Departments Getting Started

Departments Getting Started with Course Evaluations

Service Description

Getting Access to the Service:  

The Course Evaluations Service Provides Academic Units:

  • Automated delivery & analysis of end-of-term course evaluations.

  • Department customizable evaluation templates (with items supplied from Course Evaluations Question Bank as well as departmental custom items).

  • Instructor personalized questions which can be added to evaluations with responses only visible by instructors.

  • Automated reports provided: descriptive stats, distributions, aggregate student comments.

    • Instructor / course Report: Web accessible or PDF downloadable aggregation of student responses for each question item on the survey:

      • Department aggregate = Average computed for each question compared to departmental average.

    • Raw Data Report: Spreadsheet which provides all raw score data all courses evaluated for a department in the current term.

    • Department Summary Sheet: Spreadsheet which provides average scores for all instructors evaluated in a given semester within a department for university required items as well as response rate data.

Additional Requirements for Participating Departments:

  • Personnel Requirements:

    • Departments must designate administrative personnel who are responsible for requesting evaluations and providing data to the Course Evaluations service each semester. These individuals are also responsible for communicating service inquiries to the service and will be included on all help requests initiated by department instructors to keep them informed of any issues that might occur.

  • Data Requirements:

    • All instructors must be in Campus Solutions to be evaluated and have CalNet credentials

    • Data confirmation identifies which courses will be evaluated

    • Report access defined by department admins - must be kept up to date

    • CalNet credentials required to utilize system in any capacity

    • Concurrent enrollment students will not evaluate secondary sections (not included in official rosters)

    • Department is responsible for all accuracy of secondary section enrollment after records are “frozen” by Registrar’s Office in Week 5.

    • Individual instructors are responsible for maintaining up-to-date email address listings in the campus directory in order to receive system notifications (question customization, response rate viewing, and report access)

Participating Programs and Departments

African American Studies (AFRICAM)
Agricultural and Resource Economics (A,RESEC)
Ancient Greek and Roman Studies (AGRS)
Ancient History and Mediterranean Archaeology (AHMA)
Anthropology (ANTHRO)
Architecture (ARCH)
Art Practice (ART)
Astronomy (ASTRON)
Bioengineering (BIO ENG)
Buddhist Studies (BUDDSTD)
Celtic Studies (CELTIC)
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (CHM ENG)
Chemistry (CHEM)
City and Regional Planning (CY PLAN)
Civil and Environmental Engineering (CIV ENG)
College Writing (COLWRIT)
Comparative Literature (COM LIT)
Computational Biology (CMPBIO)
Computational Precision Health (CPH)
Computing, Data Science, and Society (DATA)
Demography (DEMOG)
Design Innovation (DES INV)
Development Practice (DEVP)
Digital Humanities (DIGHUM)
Earth and Planetary Science (EPS)
East Asian Language and Cultures (EA LANG)
Economics (ECON)
Education, Graduate School of (EDUC)
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (EL ENG, EECS, or COMP SCI)
Energy and Resources Group (ERG)
Engineering (ENGIN)
Environmental Design (ENVDES)
Environmental Science, Policy, and Management (ESPM)
Ethnic Studies (ETH STD)
Film and Media (FILM)
Freshman/Sophomore Seminars, L & S Discovery, Big Ideas Courses
Gender and Women’s Studies (GWS)
Geography (GEOG)
German (GERMAN)
Global Metropolitan Studies (GMS)
Goldman School of Public Policy
Graduate Division
Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute (NEUROSC)
History of Art (HISTART)
Industrial Engineering and Operations Research (IND ENG)
Information, School of (ISchool) (DATASCI, INFO, CYBER)
Integrative Biology (INTEGBI)
Interdisciplinary Studies Field (ISF)
International and Area Studies (IAS)
Italian Studies
Jewish Studies (JEWISH)
Journalism (JOURN)
L&S Arts and Humanities (HUM)
Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning (LDARCH)
Legal Studies
Linguistics (LINGUIS)
Materials Science and Engineering (MAT SCI)
Mathematics (MATH)
Mechanical Engineering (MEC ENG)
Media Studies (MEDIAST)
Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures
Military Affairs
Molecular and Cell Biology (MCELLBI)
Music (MUSIC)
Neuroscience (NEU)
New Media, Berkeley Center for (NWMEDIA)
Nuclear Engineering (NUC ENG)
Nutritional Science and Toxicology (NUSCTX)
Philosophy (PHILOS)
Physical Education (PHYS ED)
Physics (PHYSICS)
Plant and Microbial Biology (PLANTBI)
Political Science (POL SCI)
Psychology (PSYCH)
Public Health (PB HLTH)
Rhetoric (RHETOR)
Slavic Languages and Literatures
Social Welfare (SOC WEL)
Sociology (SOCIOL)
South and Southeast Asian Studies
Spanish and Portuguese (SPANISH)
Statistics (STAT)
Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies (TDPS)
Undergraduate and Interdisciplinary Studies (UGIS)

Last updated Spring 2025