Course Capture Options Explained

Recording Options

Most rooms are limited to the "Camera without Operator" setting. Audio-only recording is not available. For those looking for a Projector+Audio only option,  cameras can be blocked using the touch panel in the room

Camera without Operator (with Projection+Audio)

Cost: Free

Schedulers: Search for 06: AV-Course Capture and 14: AV-Camera without Operator

Instructors: Show up to your lecture, turn on the microphone, and connect your computer to the projector (again, you may need to change the batteries and there are specific resolutions that work best, but we'll provide you with all the info you need to do that on your own). The camera is controllable at the touch panel and has presets that point to the blackboards and to the lectern. 

RTL: Records your voice, the display projected with the projector (laptop, document camera, or other HDMI/VGA source), and the camera feed through the installed equipment in the room and posts it to your Kaltura account where you can then share it with your students. See below for publishing options. 

This service is only available in selected rooms and is limited to wide-shot presets only in certain auditoriums (Pimentel Hall, Wheeler Auditorium)

Camera with Operator (with Projection+Audio)

Cost: $2000 per semester

Schedulers: Search for 06: AV-Course Capture and 07: AV-Camera with Operator

You: Show up and teach.

RTL: Provides an operator for your class to assist with mic, computer and equipment set up, audio, video and data capture, lighting changes, and overall classroom operations.

This service is only available in select auditoriums (Pimentel Hall and Wheeler Auditorium). 

Publishing Options

During signups, instructors have the option to choose who can release recordings to students. Below is an explanation of what each option means. Please review our recommendations on what sign-up options to choose based on desired workflows

GSI/TA Moderation

This feature requires your Media Gallery moderation settings to be ON. If the moderate content setting is set to OFF, then recordings will publish without any intervention. If the GSI/TA Moderation is selected, Course Capture recordings will be uploaded to Kaltura and placed in the Pending tab in the course's Media Gallery. Users with roles in the bCourses site of Teacher, Lead TA, TA, or Designer will be able to approve and release the recording. Once released, the recording will appear in the course's Media Gallery, where students will be able to view it. Instructor(s) of Record may choose to trim or review the recordings before approval but TAs will not be able to do so. See KB article on How to publish a recording set to GSI/TA moderation

Instructor Moderation

If the Instructor Moderation option is selected, Course Capture recordings will be uploaded to Kaltura and only be shared with the instructor(s) of Record for the course. Instructors can find this recording in the My Media tab of their bCourses site. Instructors may choose to trim or review the recordings before manually publishing them to the Media Gallery. Once a recording has been published to the Media Gallery, then students will be able to access the recordings. See KB article on How to publish from My Media

Admin Proxy (co-editor/co-publisher) Options

Please review our recommendations on what sign-up options to choose based on desired workflows

During signups, instructions have the option to allow Admin Proxies to have editing and publishing access to their Course Capture recordings. Usually, GSIs and Course Coordinators are placed in this role. Admin Proxy is a role that is defined in Campus Solutions and is a setting that only departmental schedulers can change. Please work with your departmental scheduler to add/remove users to this role. 

If you selected to allow Admin Proxies to edit/publish and a user was removed from the Admin Proxies role, they will no longer have edit/publish access to future recordings but will retain edit/publish access to existing recordings. If a user was added to the Admin Proxy role, they will have edit/publish access to future recordings, but will not have edit/publish access to existing recordings. 

It can take up to 48 hours for Campus Solutions to update all required systems.