Spotlight on Kaltura

July 22, 2022

It was just over two years ago (on July 1, 2020) that RTL introduced Kaltura to the campus. (For those who aren’t quite sure about what Kaltura is: it’s the campus video management platform, and it surfaces in bCourses as Media Gallery and My Media.)  The platform has been used extensively since then to create, save, and share video content: Kaltura content has been added to over 5700 course sites, and close to 3 million hours of Kaltura content has been viewed. Of course, those numbers don’t tell us how well Kaltura is working for academic users, and what we can do to improve the service. So, we’d love to hear from instructors and GSIs who have used Kaltura (My Media, Media Gallery, embedding video in bCourses) to support academic courses at Berkeley: we have a short (3 to 5 minute) survey for you to provide quick feedback (plus an option to meet with us to give us more in-depth feedback). Thank you in advance for your input!