Last year, RTL implemented a new classroom technology standard and began to install “Flex Classrooms” with accessibility improvements in mind.
New improvements include:
Ceiling microphones which, if unmuted by the instructor, give remote captioners the ability to hear student questions. Ceiling microphones also allow for the use of a microphone without having to physically touch the shared body pack and mic clip, something that concerned many in 2021.
Lowering the threshold for the inclusion of speech amplification in our classrooms from 50 to 41 seats and above to ensure audio clarity for instruction.
Zoom Room hardware improves the experience for those with mobility challenges so they can actively participate in class from another location.
Height adjustable lecterns are replacing old stationary ones in large classrooms.
AV controls are located where they can be seen and adjusted while seated.
A display on the rear wall makes it easy to see Zoom participants and presentation material without needing to look at a small laptop screen or turn away to see the projection screen.
Wireless projection allows screen sharing from anywhere in the classroom without needing to be close to the AV station or having to untangle cables.
Classroom Technology Services is in the process of evaluating new assistive listening systems to replace the outdated ones currently found in classrooms.