LMS Replacement Project

The LMS (bSpace) Replacement Project was a two-year initiative led by ETS to replace our current LMS, bSpace, with a new system that better meets the needs of our campus. Our priorities for the replacement include:

  1. Have a best-of-breed feature set that enhances teaching and learning
  2. Be open source and promote a community of learning and innovation among its users, developers and designers
  3. Afford for interoperability so that we (and our users) can leverage third-party tools for teaching

With this in mind, and having completed a survey of the market and our peers’ systems, we piloted Instructure’s Canvas LMS in Summer 2013 and supported a limited rollout in Fall 2013. Approximately one third of Spring 2014 classes were created using bCourses, UC Berkeley's version of Canvas.

Project Timeline

Summer 2013 - Summer 2015

Project Manager & Contact

Rich Meyer

Pilot and Evaluation

During the Summer and Fall 2013 semesters, we engaged closely with our faculty and student users to assess their experience. Our evaluation plan included user surveys, focus groups, and the review of an evaluation matrix by key campus stakeholders.


Educational Technology Services is primarily responsible for implementation, support and evaluation of bCourses. The project is sponsored by the Student Systems Executive Steering Committee (SSESC).

Project Steering Committee(link is external) and advisory groups for faculty, students, staff and campus partners has been formed so that all relevant perspectives are considered as we define our rollout and implementation plans.