Gradescope for Online and Hybrid Teaching (8/15)

August 15, 2022, 10:00am to 11:00am
Intended audience: 
Academic Support Staff, Graduate Student Instructors, Instructors

This one-hour workshop will focus on using Gradescope in online and hybrid classes classes with handwritten exams and quizzes and fully online assignments. We'll show you how to set up an assignment, grade consistently with a rubric, provide students with rich targeted feedback, and easily return work electronically.

Register for this session here!

A recording of the session will be shared with all registrants, so please feel free to register even if you can't make it to the live session.


Research, Teaching, and Learning (RTL)

Series description

Join the Gradescope team for workshops focused on streamlining assessment, whether in-person or online. Learn how to set up online assignments, grade handwritten exams, transform the multiple choice assessment experience with Gradescope Bubble Sheets, and make the most out of the Gradescope integration with Canvas.

Check out more Teaching in Fall 2022 workshops from RTL here!