Current Pilots

RTL actively pilots academic technology to support the teaching and learning mission of UC Berkeley. Learn about some of our current pilots and how you may be able to participate in using these new tools.

bCourses Grade Distribution Tool

The UC Berkeley Grade Distribution Tool is a new feature embedded within the bCourses learning management system (LMS) designed to provide instructors with detailed insights into student final grades across multiple dimensions. This tool is currently in a pilot phase and available to instructors on an opt-in basis.

Requirements: Because this tool is intended to aggregate trends across large groups of students over a number of terms, we are currently seeking instructors teaching courses with >50 students that have been taught 4 or more times by the same instructor. Currently, the tool is populated with final grade data from SIS/CalCentral, so the tool will be installed in a prior term bCourses site and is intended to be used for retrospective analysis.


RTL is currently piloting Peerceptiv, a tool integrated into bCourses that offers robust, research-validated peer review functionality, through Spring 2025. You can use the tool to set up peer assessments on assignment submissions, team member evaluations for group projects, live presentation assessments, and more.

Peerceptiv provides peer review functionality for multiple different assignment types, including peer assessments on assignment submissions, team member evaluations for group projects, live presentation assessments, and more. Students can be graded on their submission, accuracy of their ratings when compared to peer and instructor ratings, helpfulness of comments, and task completion.