The UC Berkeley Grade Distribution Tool is a new feature embedded within the bCourses learning management system (LMS) designed to provide instructors with detailed insights into student final grades across multiple dimensions. This tool allows instructors to visualize grade trends over multiple terms/years, break down grades by various demographic factors, analyze how well prior courses prepared students, and guide efforts to create a more inclusive, supportive, and effective learning environment.
Note: This tool is intended to provide instructors with insight into grading trends, however, it is limited by the information available, and will not always provide statistically meaningful information. Instructors should always consult the data table below the graph to verify the size of any demographic population.
Any information gathered from this tool should be used in conjunction with other available information sources, and in conversation with the CTL and other partners.
Key Features
Longitudinal grade data:
See the average grade over all previous terms you’ve taught
Grade Trends Broken Down by Demographic:
Compare average grades across different student demographic groups including Men, Women, Underrepresented Minority, Transfer, International, and Athletes.
Distribution of letter grades by term
Select a specific term and view the distribution of all letter grades for that term
Grade Distribution by Prior Class Enrollment
Enter a prior course and compare the distribution of grades for students who did and did not complete the prior course
Opt In to Use The Tool
This tool is currently in a pilot phase and available to instructors on an opt-in basis.
Requirements: Because this tool is intended to aggregate trends across large groups of students over a number of terms, it is currently available to instructors teaching courses with >50 students that have been taught >4 times by the same instructor. The tool is populated with final grade data from SIS/CalCentral, so the tool will be installed in a prior term bCourses site and is intended to be used for retrospective analysis.
Please complete this form to join the pilot.
Using the Tool
Grade Average by Demographics
View Longitudinal Grade Trends
The tool automatically displays the average grade for all terms that it has been taught by the viewer.
Select “Show Chart Definitions” to learn more about the available demographics.
Select “Show Data Table” to view the population size and average grade for all terms.
Breaking Down Grades by Demographics
From the dropdown menu, select a demographic, and a new average will be added to the overall course average.
Select “Show Chart Definitions” to learn more about the available demographics.
Selecting “Show Data Table” when a demographic is selected will display the population size of the selected demographic. If the population is below a threshold, the exact population size will not be displayed to avoid identifying individual students.
Please make note of population size when reviewing average grades, and ensure that a population size is representationally significant before making any determinations.
Grade Distributions by Prior Class Enrollments
A simple average might hide interesting grade trends. Was a 3.0 average composed of mostly students who received Bs, or a mix of students who received As and Cs?
The second chart shows the final grade distribution of your course. You can use the term dropdown to view different offerings of the course.
You can add a prior enrollment to this distribution to see how students who completed a specific prior course fared compared to students who did not take that course previously.
Support Resources and Feedback
Consultations: The UC Berkeley Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) offers consultations to review the data displayed by the dashboard and provide support in interpreting and acting upon it. Schedule a consultation with the CTL.
Technical Support: If you encounter technical issues with the tool, please contact bcourseshelp@berkeley.edu.
Feedback: We will connect with participating instructors toward the end of the term to seek your feedback on the overall design and usefulness of the tool. Your feedback will be used to guide future enhancements and direction.
Winter 2025 Enhancements
- Improved representation of small data sets
- Sometimes you have a nice, large sample to create an average, but sometimes you don't. We're making it easier to tell the difference by using distinctive icons on the chart to identify small sample sizes, displaying precise population size in the tooltip that appears on hover, and italicizing the averages of small sample sizes in the data table.
- Differentiate between missing data and a 0 average
- Previously these would be represented in the same way. Missing data will now be shown as a gap in the line graph.
- Demographic representation
- When a demographic is selected, the chart will display the portion of the class composed by the selected demographic.
- Control which metrics are displayed in the chart
- Instructors can toggle between viewing mean and median grades.
- Make the x-axis easier to read
- If you've taught a course for many semesters, the data points can start to overlap. We've fixed this.
- New demographics
- We now display active student athletes. Note that athletic status is dynamic, so it will change over time, and only represent active student athletes.
- Access for more types of instructors
- We have expanded access to the tool beyond primary instructors to include other common types of instructors (APRX & ICNT).
Summer 2025 and beyond
We're exploring ideas like the ones below. Get involved to let us know which would be most useful to you!
- Current Grade data from bCourses
- In its current form, the tool is reliant on final grade data, and can only be used looking back at previous terms. Future improvements will allow instructors to access data for the current term using grades entered into bCourses.
- Granular Grade data
- If you use assignment groups in bCourses, you will be able to compare these by demographic to determine whether certain types of assignments are contributing more to performance gaps.
- Drop Data
- In its current state, the tool analyzes demographic trends of students who complete the course. Future enhancements will grant instructors the ability to view demographic trends of students who dropped a course.
- (Your idea here)
- Join the pilot, and tell us how this tool can benefit your teaching!
Data Use and Interpretation Policy
By accessing and using this dashboard, you agree to the following terms and conditions:
Purpose of Data: The data presented in this dashboard is intended to provide insights into various aspects of your course and grading practices. It is crucial to approach this information with the goal of understanding and addressing any disparities, rather than confirming pre-existing assumptions. The data presented by this tool is not conclusive or statistically validated.
Opportunities for Improvement: You agree to use the data to identify areas where certain student groups may need additional support or resources. This is an opportunity to enhance your teaching strategies and create a more supportive learning environment.
Contextual Interpretation: You acknowledge that the data reflects historical performance and may be influenced by a variety of factors, including teaching methods, course content, and external circumstances. It is important to consider these and other factors when interpreting the data.
Inclusivity: You agree to consider the performance and experience of all students, regardless of the size of any particular student group. Ensuring all students have the same opportunity to succeed is key.
Continuous Improvement: You agree to view this data as a starting point for ongoing reflection and improvement. The data should be reviewed regularly to reflect and reassess your teaching practices to best support all students.
By agreeing to these terms, you acknowledge your responsibility to use the dashboard as a tool for positive change and to contribute to a more effective educational experience for all students.
Q: Who can access this data?
A: The data displayed in the dashboard is available only to instructors of record for courses that have opted in to the pilot. The dashboard is not visible to GSIs, students, or other types of users.
Q: Why is the tool installed in a prior course?
A: The tool currently uses only final grade data from SIS/CalCentral, therefore we are unable to display for currently-running courses.
Q: Why don't I see all grades or terms in this tool?
A: Instructors will only see the terms and sections for which they are the instructor of record.
Q: How far back does the tool display?
A: The dashboard will display grade data going back to (and including) Fall 2016, when the current Student Information System was launched.