Video Support

Instructional Equipment Checkout

Instructional Equipment Checkout provides instructors additional technology beyond the standard equipment in General Assignment and department classrooms across UC Berkeley.

DIY Media

The Do-It-Yourself Media Service is intended to support instructors looking to add video to their teaching techniques. Instructors can use DIY Media facilities and support resources to create video content for online lectures, flipped classroom activities, blended learning materials, tutorial videos and more.

Course Capture

Berkeley's Course Capture service offers instructors lecture recording services for their courses. Integrated with bCourses, recorded courses are intended to enhance the learning experience by providing a review tool for students.

Zoom for Instruction

"Zoom for Instruction" provides workshops, consultations and other support for Berkeley instructors using Zoom.


Kaltura is a web-based video management platform that allows for the upload, editing, managing and sharing of videos and other media. Kaltura can be accessed from bCourses (Canvas).

Classroom Technology Support

Classroom Technology Support (CTS) is the UC Berkeley General Assignment Classroom (GAC) AV support team. CTS provides real-time support to our instructors teaching in our classrooms as well as training and consultations to prepare instructors to teach in different modalities.