Add Your Syllabus

Add Your Syllabus

It is important to provide a downloadable syllabus to your bCourses site for ease of access. Some instructors add the class schedule to the syllabus or use the course calendar with dated assignments to populate a schedule in the Syllabus section. There is also space provided on the Syllabus page to add text. Some professors post a table of their grading criteria or special notes.

In the Core Template

There is an accessible syllabus template for you to download and use on the Syllabus page. Download it and add your syllabus content. When ready, save it with a new title (e.g., course name/number, semester/year, instructor(s) name). Remove the existing template text from the Syllabus page.

How to Add Your Syllabus

To add your syllabus, go to the Syllabus page and select the Edit button. (This button is located at the top right-hand corner of the page.) Next, place the cursor on the page where you want it and select Insert>Document>Upload Document on the rich content editor, as shown below. If done successfully, you will see the title of your syllabus appear on the page. Then save before closing.

After adding your syllabus, you will see a downward arrow beside it that allows students to preview, download, or change the format of the document to meet the needs of all learners such as audio, braille, or translations. Select Alternative Formats to reveal the menu displayed in this screenshot.



Edit the Homepage