June 7, 2021
Thanks to generous support from campus and departmental leadership, RTL has received funding to accelerate our classroom refresh, add video cameras, and add video conferencing capabilities to 37 classrooms this summer. For more information about the new capabilities, please check out our Instructors Getting Started page, video instructions on using our video conference capable classrooms, and documentation on how to use these capabilities when you return to our classrooms.
Rooms receiving Video Cameras (without operators) and Video Conference Capabilities in addition to being refreshed to HD standard:
- Birge 50
- Cory 241
- Etcheverry 3106
- Lewis 9 - this room may not receive upgrade due to project delay
- Morgan 101 - this room may not receive upgrade due to project delay
- Mulford 159 - this room may not receive upgrade due to project delay
- Social Sci. 56
Existing HD standard rooms receiving Video Cameras (without operators) and Video Conference Capabilities
- Anthropology 155
- Anthropology 160
- Cory 277
- Cory 289
- Etcheverry 3108
- Evans 10
- Evans 60
- GPB 100
- Haviland 12
- Hearst Mining 390
- Latimer 120
- McCone 141
- Morgan 109
- Mulford 240
- North Gate 105
- Physics 2
- Physics 3
- Physics 4
- Social Sci. 20
- Social Sci. 60
- Social Sci. 118
- Social Sci. 122
- Social Sci. 126
- Social Sci. 166
- Social Sci. 170
- VLSB 2040
- VLSB 2060
- Wheeler 102
- Wheeler 204
- Wheeler 222