About CBTF
Computer-Based Testing Facility (CBTF) is both a space and service enabling students to take computer-administered exams in a controlled proctored environment, under specific constraints and circumstances designed to enable operation at scale. Originally started in the College of Engineering, this service is being centralized through RTL.
Our current CBTFs are Evans B3A (left), Wheeler 210 (right), and Sutardja Dai Hall 200.
- To reach 200 Sutardja Dai Hall (SDH), the exterior door is to the right of the entrance doors to Yali’s Cafe on the lower level of SDH. Do not attempt to enter through the Meditation Room in SDH.
- To reach Wheeler 210, go to floor 2 of Wheeler Hall and you’ll find the lab at the north end of the building (the corner closest to the Campanile)
- To reach Evans B3A, take the elevator to the basement of Evans Hall and turn right out of the elevator, then right again. Note that B3A is different from B3, another room in the basement that is not a CBTF. The uphill / Mining Circle side of Evans is elevator-accessible to the room; the downhill / Memorial Glade side is not. (CBTF is in the basement in the Campanile end of Evans.)