Interactive Decision Tree: Result #5

Interactive Decision Tree for Course Capture Sign Ups

Result #5:

I plan to only share Course Capture videos with selected students and I’d like GSIs to help me review, share, and edit the recordings.

If the above is correct, please choose the following option in the Course Capture signup form and review any further information provided below. 

  • Publishing option: “Instructor Moderation” 
  • Admin Proxy should be toggled on. If GSI is not listed as Admin Proxy, please work with your departmental scheduler to add them in Campus Solutions. (It can take 48 hours for the data to change to take effect). Admin Proxies will be able to publish recordings to any bCourses site.
  • How to share recordings with selected students(link is external)

For more information on Course Capture and the sign up process, please visit Instructor Getting Started